10 Tips for a HEalthy, Happy, Natural Fall!

Oh hi! Welcome!

If you’re new around here, you will learn really quickly that I’m allllll about natural living, as well as healing the mind/soul, body, and spirit from the inside out. Naturally I would put together a post allllll about how you can achieve a healthy, happy, {natural} fall!

The quick version of my story is that my family started cutting out harsh chemicals from our beauty products, cleaning supplies and we have even begun doing this with our food as well, about 6.5 years ago. Our health has improved in amazing ways and there’s no going back for us! I also focused on healing my mind/soul/spirit and that has been instrumental in my overall wellness. I have some great tips for you to cover all these areas, so keep reading!

Have I mentioned how happy I am that you’re here?! 🙂

Now let’s get to the tips!

1. Ditch the harsh cleaners. As we approach the holidays, we will be thinking about “fall cleaning” to accommodate our loved ones. Harsh cleaners lead to so many more health issues then we have been told! My recommendation for a good plant-based cleaner is here.


2. Ditch the toxic candles! This is the one area we are deceived probably the most during the fall season. There are so many unhealthy chemicals in candles…especially in the ones with all the artificial scents! Of course I’m a former candle-aholic, so about this time each year I would be racing to the stores for the fall candle sales. But now I’m almost 7 years into this and I don’t miss them at all anymore! I’ll be sharing a blog post all about this asap in the Essential Oils section with information on what I personally use to replace my candles. (Spoiler alert: We use quality essential oils for that yummy fall smell AND to support our bodies/wellness!)


3. Use quality FDA approved essential oils to increase fall flavors in your favorite fall goodies and drinks! If you get the right brand of oils, you will be able to use them for cooking! The brand we use has a Vitality line that is FDA approved for ingestion — this means they are actually considered a dietary supplement! Imagine getting your fall flavors AND health benefits from your treats! (Might make you feel a little better about eating them, huh? Haha.) And of course there will be all kinds of yummy fall recipes coming your way in the Food section soon!

My Vitality Oils can be found here.


4. Take time to journal daily! Journaling is so amazing for our mental health. Have a special journal or private online journal where you can process everything and get it out to keep it from getting stuck inside! This will be very valuable for you when those family members come into town! I’ll share journaling prompts and all kinds of other mental health goodies in the Blog soon!


5. Practice gratitude. The best way to change your attitude is to start thinking of all the things you are thankful for! Make a list daily if you need to. You’ll be so glad you did this!


6. Clean your fall apples/veggies/fruits with a quality plant-based cleaner! It’s so important to clean your yummy apples, fall squashes, and ALL produce with a powerful plant-based fruit and veggie cleaner that won’t harm you if it gets ingested! It’s crazy how dirty the produce can get. And just because it’s organic doesn’t mean it’s not full of nasty germs! This is the plant-based fruit and veggie soak I use. 


7. Start a new hobby/take classes! Winter is upon us and unless you live in the south, you may not fully understand “Winter Cabin Fever.” It is the worst! Not to mention it’s very hard on mental health. Signing up for a new class NOW will set you up to get out of the house when the snow starts flying. This will do wonders for your overall health! I’ll be offering allllll kinds of classes here on this site and in our community so make sure you keep up with the Events section on here! 

Looking for online music lessons? Check out our music lessons company, Frequency & Sound!


8. Play in the leaves! This may feel juvenile, but it will bring back a side of you that you forgot even existed. Get rid of those blues by getting some yard work done and having a little fun! (Don’t have leaves? Go to a fall festival and feel all the feels!) Watch the Blog for some upcoming fall activities for you and your kiddos!


9. Overhaul your toxic beauty products! Oh mercy. Don’t even get me started on those fancy lotions you’re buying at BBW — especially now that they are starting their fall sales. I used to use them too, until I found out the truth! I’ll tell you what–my headaches have dissipated since purging all those products! Please do a Google search right now about the harsh chemicals in those lotions/sprays and how they affect/harm the body. Please! I’ll be sharing about the products I use in an upcoming blog post in the Health & Beauty section very soon!


10. Do some fall purging! There’s nothing like a nice, clean home all ready for the winter, am I right?! With everything we seem to acquire during the holidays, you will thank yourself for making space! Go through your home and donate the things you don’t use to a local shelter or charity that accepts donations. This helps reduce your waste and keeps things out of the landfill. Wait until you see my sustainable leaves craft I have coming! 🙂


11. BONUS TIP: Become a plant lady/dude! Okay, I had to give you a bonus tip! Indoor plants have an incredible way of purifying the air and bringing life and living energy to your home! When you’re cooped up all fall/winter, it’s so nice to have pretty plants to admire and take care of. 


So there you have it! What do you think of my ten eleven tips?! What would YOU add?

I have lots more tips for celebrating fall coming up in my October email, so don’t miss it! You can get those tips by joining my e-mail list below!

Don’t forget to follow me on Instagram (@hopeandlavender) and Facebook (https://www.facebook.com/hopeandlavender/) to connect even more!

I’m excited to move through fall with you! Thank you for joining me here in this space! 🙂

Be Well!