Have these 4 items in your home at all times!
Living a natural lifestyle doesn’t have to be hard! In fact, it can be a LOT easier if you keep a few staple items on hand for when you’re ready to clean!
The 4 products i recommend keeping on hand are:
Baking Soda
Liquid Castile Soap
White Vinegar
Quality Essential Oils
Each of these products is incredibly versatile (as you will see in the graphics) and you can combo them to make incredible cleaners!
Take a look below to see some of my favorite brands to use for these 4 staples:
(I do receive a commission from your purchase of these products. Thank you for supporting my small business!)

Baking Soda
(This one is food grade, which is such good quality!)

Liquid Castile Soap
(The 2 pack is an amazing savings!)