Stickers gone through the wash? Leftover Home Goods price tags stuck to your brand new goodie?! lemon essential oil to the rescue!
Hello! Today on “Oily Tuesday” I want to show you one of my FAVORITE simple essential oil tricks! Lemon + Sticky Labels =

A good quality lemon essential oil will eat away the sticky gunk on bottles like this. Your kiddo ran a sticker through the wash and it stuck to their clothes? Lemon to the rescue! (Good quality EOs ONLY!!!)
Look at the photo above to see how nicely the label comes off the bottle. (Check out videos of this process on Instagram or Facebook! You can see where it takes it off completely and is literally “squeaky clean”!!) And the only thing I used was the lemon oil and a paper towel! Pretty neat huh?!
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if you didn’t realize lemon oil was this handy! Add a
if you want me to send you more info on how to grab a lemon oil of your own! 
