
Love Yourself First!

August 7, 2023

How well do you love yourself?

That is a hard question for most of us. Loving others? No problem! Loving ourselves with the love that we pour out on others so lavishly? Not so much.

The other day I listened to a podcast that a friend of mine recommended. It was about business, but not my specific industry. It was fascinating though, getting a chance to peak into another world that I don’t normally belong to.

This particular world was landscaping. I never realized just how complex landscaping really is. I knew people went to school for it, but it wasn’t until I started gardening myself that I finally understood why people go to school for it.

I was listening to this expert talk and she mentioned how important it is to stay curious. She mentioned when she walks up to a lawn or a space and sees a plant wilting or rotting, she gets really curious about why. She doesn’t just dig it up and plant something else; she takes a minute to have some compassion on the plant. She wants to know what caused that problem so she can prevent it in the future.

Isn’t it funny how we can still get business and life advice from an industry that isn’t our own? 🙂

It struck me that it should be the same way when we are addressing a new health issue/problem. Rather than just going to dig up a bunch of roots and shaming ourselves for yet another problem, we should start with compassion. With love.

We should stay curious about why things happened the way they did. Where did this issue come from? 

I encourage you today to start with compassion for yourself. Take a few minutes to pour out some of your love onto yourself and thank your body for how it has carried you so far. You will love those around you far better when you truly begin to love yourself.

Thanks for joining me for your weekly dose of Hope! 🙂



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