What is that smell?!
Has that ever happened to you? You’re just sitting there, minding your own business and then all of a sudden you’re hit with a whiff of nasty?!
You go in search of the source, only to discover a stinky shoe?! Or maybe a gross gym bag?!
There’s hope, my friend. And I’m here to teach you how to make a VERY easy “Stinky Shoe Spray”, on this “Oily Tuesday”!
All you need is a spray bottle, essential oils, and water!
I recommend good quality essential oils without any harsh chemicals or fillers. (Those could ruin fabric.) But a good, pure oil will not ruin the items and will eat up all that nasty odor! I recommend Tea Tree, Purification blend, Lemongrass, etc!
Some people add witch hazel to the mixture to help disperse the oils in the water better, but I find that just inverting the bottle a few times before spraying works just fine. 🙂
You can spray the mixture directly into the shoes/gym bags, or you can soak a cotton ball in it and leave that in the shoes/bag too!
You’ll be so glad you tried this, I swear!
Before I go, here are my favorite oils that I cannot recommend enough! They are so pure and you know how I know that? Because a good oils that doesn’t have any harsh chemicals or fillers should evaporate when you put it on a paper towel. If it leaves a ring, it’s not pure! Mine pass the “paper towel test” so I’m happy to recommend them!
Enjoy your stinky shoe spray!!!