Water is a huge component to boosting your immune system, but you must replace electrolytes/minerals for it to be effective!
I’ll bet you didn’t think that day 2 would focus on water, did you? 🙂
Water is so very important for our bodies, but you have to be wise about how you drink it.
Have you ever had so much water to drink that you ended up with a headache? Many fitness gurus will tell you that’s because you are “detoxing”, and sometimes that is true. But what I have found is that drinking that much water, while good for my body, flushes out my electrolytes and minerals at the same time and that’s what is causing my headaches. I know this to be true because one time I experimented and after getting a headache from drinking a ton of water, I squirted some of my natural electrolytes into a shot glass and took a shot of them. Within a few minutes my headache was gone.
Electrolytes and minerals are responsible for regulating muscle contractions and keeping you hydrated. Electrolytes also help balance your pH levels (the measure of acidity and alkalinity), which helps with digestion and all kinds of other things. Minerals like Himalayan, rock and sea salts act through osmosis to pull water and minerals into your cells, resulting in proper cell hydration without the water retention that often occurs from white table salt. (Table salt is a fake, often chemical-filled salt that causes your body to retain fluid. Natural salts like Himalayan and sea salt are actually very good for the body!)
So how does water help boost the immune system?
Staying hydrated helps your body naturally eliminate the bacteria and toxins that cause infection. With the help of water, oxygen and nutrients are distributed throughout the body, and waste material is flushed out from the body. Thus, it helps keep diseases at bay.
There are many kinds of water out there (which sounds so funny to me, haha), but we have personally found reverse osmosis to be the best for our family. (More on this another day.) But reverse osmosis does not retain the minerals so we definitely have to add them back in. (We avoid tap water as much as possible.)
It’s not enough to just drink water, you need to be properly hydrated, and you do this by adding electrolytes/minerals back into your water as you’re drinking it!
I have a few recommendations for healthy electrolytes/minerals that I have found, and in a few weeks I’ll be sharing my own recipe for a homemade electrolyte solution!
Here are a few of my favorite electrolytes/minerals! (These are my affiliate links and I do receive a commission off any orders that use my link. Thank you for supporting my small business!)

Liquid IV
I love every flavor of this I have tried. It is absolutely delicious. My doctor recommended 1 packet a day so I split my packet in my water throughout the day and then if I am outdoors or do more than normal, I'll increase to compensate. Try any of the flavors! It is so good! (Mix it well!)

Lavender Lemonade Vitality Drops
These electrolytes are all natural and made with salt from the Great Salt Lake! They are the ones I mentioned in the story above about doing a quick shot when I had a headache. They helped so much! I love this one and the grapefruit one below! This is a 3 pack and you don't need a ton --just a small squirt-- so they last a good long while!

Grapefruit Vitality Drops
These electrolytes are all natural and made with salt from the Great Salt Lake! I love both the grapefruit and the lavender. This is also a 3 pack.

Vitality Drops Variety 4 Pack
This is the pack I like to get because I like some of both kinds. It's a great value for the money, and I highly recommend signing up for their Loyalty Rewards program so you can earn points on your purchases! Who doesn't love free stuff?! 🙂
I hope this was helpful to you! There is SO much more to water and hydration, but I don’t want to overwhelm you. I just wanted to give you some very basics to get started with today. Congrats on acquiring your second wellness tool for your toolbox! 🙂