Today we talk the very basics of essential oils!
On Tuesdays we talk about essential oils around here!
Quality essential oils are amazing tools to support the body when used safely and effectively. In today’s post I’m giving you the “Getting Started Basics”.
Starting with essential oils doesn’t have to be overwhelming or scary—it can be fun! Go into this journey with the mindset of curiosity and you will be just fine. 🙂
It is a journey, so make sure you don’t give up if one oil doesn’t make a difference. Every body is different and responds differently to each plant/oil. And the oils are so versatile! What doesn’t work for one thing might be a game changer for another! Give your body time to learn and adapt. Get curious!
Here is a post about my favorite essential oil brand! So if you want to read my story and learn more about the brand I love so much I partnered with them, check it out! (My affiliate link is in that post as well which shows me some love when you use my link to purchase your own oils! So thank you in advance! 💕) I’m always here if you need help getting started or at any point on your journey. 🙂