Sometimes we aren’t planted somewhere and we just feel like we have drifted aimlessly to get where we are today. Grow where you’ve landed.
Growth is a funny thing.
We think it should look a certain way and wear a certain colored hat.
We assume the timing as if we wear the Giant Watch. As if we could control the hands.
But then we are swept up into these places that don’t make a lick of sense.
How could we possibly grow here?
Nobody grows here.
And then a peculiar thing happens.
We take one tiny step towards acceptance. We breathe in one tiny breath of the air and before we know it, there we are…rooting.
Beating the odds that only we ourselves ever stacked against us.
The world was always waiting for us to win.
We find that we always had what we needed inside of us all along.
And suddenly we are surrounded with the most breathtaking beauty.
Suddenly we have the greatest view.
All because we let go and grew. 🌱