
Why You Should Use Essential Oils

July 18, 2023

Why should you use essential oils?

I remember when I first started with essential oils how much they surprised me. Mostly they surprised me because they actually worked!

I tend to be very skeptical of things–especially things that I don’t understand. My brain can be very analytical and scientific. (I spent my high school years prepping to become a doctor actually!) But when I started using quality oils I noticed 3 main areas of improvement in my overall well-being:

1. Physically. I remember the first day I used a digestive supporting oil. I rolled it around my belly button and within a few MINUTES I was walking around normally and my day was saved. That had NEVER happened…even with my OTC stuff. From that moment on I realized there was something to these things and I started researching them (and their plants) like crazy.

2. Mentally. The week I went through my miscarriage, I learned really quickly how oils could help emotionally. I used a calming oil that brought my mind (and body) to a place of peace as I prayed and asked the Lord to heal me and carry me through the grief. There was something so comforting when I smelled that oil on my forehead…like a gentle reminder that the Lord was near. When I smell that oil today, I am instantly taken back to that place of calm. I don’t think they should take the place of my faith, and I also don’t think they should take the place of regular counseling/therapy/etc. But they can aid in the healing process! 🙂

3. They made my home smell amazing and the combinations were endless! I could make whatever smells I wanted super cheaply! No more headaches/migraines from the smells. No more wasted money on candle sales. I also noticed that by using the oils in my home more, I was continuing to improve my physical/mental health, thus starting the healing cycle all over again. 🙂

Have you tried essential oils? If so, what is your favorite oil/blend?



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