It's no secret that I love this bundle, but here are all the reasons why!
I purchased my first bundle from Young Living all the way back in 2016. I had been using essential oils for over 5 years at this point, but did not understand quality vs quantity. I wanted to save money so I purchased cheap oils that I thought were good quality, but in the end they were not at all. That was made very apparent to me the day I picked up a bottle of Young Living lavender and compared it to my current brand. It was all over for me–I fell in love! Most lavender smells gave me awful headaches, but this lavender smelled earthy–more like a real lavender plant. I dug deeper into their Seed to Seal promise and found my home.
When I was thinking about purchasing the starter bundle, it was a huge investment for me at the time. The 3 things I was the most nervous about were: 1. Would I actually use all those oils? Did I really need them all? 2. Would I actually see a difference from using them? 3. Would I regret spending this money?
Eventually I jumped and made the investment. Here are the answers I found to those questions:
1. Would I actually use all those oils? Did I really need them all?
Yes! I have actually used them all so many times that I have purchased 3-4 bundles over the years because it was such a worthwhile investment and the bundle saved me over $200 by purchasing the full bundle instead of individual oils one at a time!
Yes! I did need them all…I just didn’t know it! (If you look below you’ll see uses for every oil in the bundle.) This bundle provides the best foundation to get started (and to replenish low stock), in my opinion.
2. Would I actually see a difference from using them?
I love telling this story, even though it’s probably a TMI. But the day I got my starter bundle from Young Living I assumed I should use as many drops of the oils as I had been using with my other brand. (I was using something like 20+ drops to diffuse just to be able to smell anything.) So, the first day I dumped about 20+ drops of Thieves oil in my diffuser and later that day I went to the bathroom and my urine smelled like I had eaten asparagus–I hadn’t. Haha! That was the day I knew there was something different about Young Living oils. They were actually doing their job to detoxify and heal my body. My old oils never did that! (I also quickly learned that quality oils are VERY different than cheap oils. I only needed 3-5 drops of oil to get started. Which makes the oils last a long time as well!)
We have seen countless healing blessings from these little liquid bottles of plant love as the years have gone on. We have replaced many of our over the counter things with oils and haven’t looked back!
3. Would I regret spending this money?
I love that I can 100% honestly answer this question with a resounding NO! I haven’t regretted my purchase a single day since I got started. And while I do partner with Young Living as a brand partner and I do make a commission check from my sales, I always say that if the commissions went away tomorrow I would still use the products. I have combed the natural products market and have found subpar products at best. I love the attention to detail that Young Living puts into creating their products. Not to mention I love the sustainability piece and how they ethically source for their products. Not a single regret here! 🙂
**I want to mention that I don’t regret buying these products because I actually use them. If you do not use the resources that will be available to you and you don’t set the oils and products out where you can see them, you might regret your purchase. Remember, this is creating a completely new lifestyle with new habits. That takes time and trial and error, and discovering what works best for you. Just like with anything, you have to give it time to work and for you to implement everything. If you commit to the process, I believe you will also be able to say, “I have no regrets!”
Let’s take a look at all the ways you can use each of these oils!
So what does this fabulous bundle come with?
Lavender 5 ml
Peppermint Vitality™ 5 ml
Lemon Vitality™ 5 ml
Valor® 5 ml
Peace & Calming® 5 ml
Frankincense 5 ml
Thieves® Vitality™ 5 ml
Citrus Fresh™ Vitality™ 5 ml
Raven™ 5 ml
DiGize™ Vitality™ 5 ml
PanAway® 5 ml
Stress Away™ 5 ml
You Also Get
2 AromaGlide™ Roller Fitments
Thieves® Spray 1 oz
10 Thieves® Waterless Hand Purifier Sachets, 0.1 oz. ea
2 NingXia Red® 2 oz. Packets
Product Guide & Pricelist
Essential Oils Magazine
Essential Edge News
You also unlock 12 months of 24% off future purchases.
Retail Value $436, this kit saves you $271!
Before I give you instructions on how to buy, I have to take a minute to tell you about how I save money on my oils and earn rewards points/free stuff every month!

Loyalty Rewards is the subscription program you didn’t know you needed! When I shop at my other favorite stores, they don’t give me money back like this! After 25 months on Loyalty Rewards you earn 25% back on your items!!! What?! Who does that?! I have received so many of my supplements, oils, natural cleaning products, and more for FREE just because I order my “groceries” regularly from YL. And who doesn’t love that easy button option of putting together a grocery box and then having it delivered to your door?! As a mom of 3 littles, this blesses me greatly.
Your starter bundle can actually count as your first Loyalty Rewards order so you will automatically earn $10 in points and hit that first FREE PROMO tier!
If you have any questions about what to add to your first order, please use the contact page here on my site and shoot me a message so we can custom build your box!
Let's get that order going!
So you’re ready to take the plunge and make one of the best investments of your life? Let’s make this as quick and easy and painless as possible!
Head to this link (which is attached to my personal referral link). Find your starter bundle of choice. The one shown above is the Desert Mist Starter Bundle and the price is $165 plus tax and shipping. Don’t forget to opt-in to Loyalty Rewards so you can get the freebies with your first order! Then make sure you contact me to help you decide what to add to your next Loyalty Rewards box for the following month!
After the purchase has been completed, I will receive a notification that you have joined my oily team and I will reach out to you with some more information and a welcome box will be sent to you!
*You are more than welcome to purchase single oils/products using my link. You do not have to purchase a starter bundle. But just be aware that unless you spend at least $100 PV you will not unlock the 24% discount and will have to pay the higher retail price.*
That's it! Congratulations on your purchase and welcome to young living!
I will be in touch soon with more information to get you connected and get you ready for the arrival of your first box!
Feel free to browse the site to learn more about the oils and products after you’ve made your purchase, or if you need more info to make your decision. 🙂