Do you dare to be different?
Mondays are for Hope around here!
Today’s dose of Hope is a gentle reminder that it is okay to be different and you are free to be just that!
When I started my natural living journey, a lot of my hang ups were thoughts inside my own head. “Who said I could do this?” “Nobody else in my family lives this way.” “What if I don’t actually get any healthier from making these choices?”
As time went on I realized that I WAS getting healthier from the choices that I was making…it was working! And suddenly it didn’t matter what the world thought anymore. I was achieving the results I wanted without anybody else’s input. I had enough momentum to keep going because I knew that even if I was the only one on that path, my family and I were going to heal.
And heal we have.
And healing we are.
Keep going! Dare to be different! 💕